Prayer is communicating and cooperating with God in order to change us and to change the world!
The church has many different ways of praying: for ourselves and those we are concerned about, for our communities, our nation and our world. You are most welcome to join any of the groups below, or contact us if you have personal, confidential requests.
Looking Out: Prayer for any issues/situations of concern to people.
Prayer Hour Face- to -Face: Tuesdays 2:30pm in the church hall.
Prayer Hour on Zoom: Thursday 7pm - 8pm. Please email us for the Zoom link. There are also prayer walks in the village and half days of prayer on a less regular basis.
Looking In: Prayer for personal needs and for growth in our individual relationships with God. Exploring the Holy Spirit: first Saturday of the month 10:00am – 12 noon. Prayer for specific, confidential requests after meeting together on Sunday morning.
How to ask for prayer:
1.If you go to any activities in the church, people will always be available to pray confidentially for you or with you.
2.There is a “prayer request” box in the church foyer to leave requests for prayer. These can be completely anonymous if you wish, some things are very hard to share, and it’s not necessary to explain.
3. Contact us at [email protected] heading your message,” Prayer Request”. There is no need for details.
The church has many different ways of praying: for ourselves and those we are concerned about, for our communities, our nation and our world. You are most welcome to join any of the groups below, or contact us if you have personal, confidential requests.
Looking Out: Prayer for any issues/situations of concern to people.
Prayer Hour Face- to -Face: Tuesdays 2:30pm in the church hall.
Prayer Hour on Zoom: Thursday 7pm - 8pm. Please email us for the Zoom link. There are also prayer walks in the village and half days of prayer on a less regular basis.
Looking In: Prayer for personal needs and for growth in our individual relationships with God. Exploring the Holy Spirit: first Saturday of the month 10:00am – 12 noon. Prayer for specific, confidential requests after meeting together on Sunday morning.
How to ask for prayer:
1.If you go to any activities in the church, people will always be available to pray confidentially for you or with you.
2.There is a “prayer request” box in the church foyer to leave requests for prayer. These can be completely anonymous if you wish, some things are very hard to share, and it’s not necessary to explain.
3. Contact us at [email protected] heading your message,” Prayer Request”. There is no need for details.
Mark 1 V 35
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.