Sunday Services
We hold a weekly Sunday morning service, starting at 10:30am to which everyone is welcome, because we are “in service” to God to whom we owe everything good. We seek to serve him through our worship (what we do in our service) and also in our witness (the kind of life we live and the way in which it bears upon our Christian faith that we have in common with other Christians).
The service, to which all are invited, opens with Contemporary and Traditional songs of Praise and thanksgiving, it is a time to lead us into God’s presence, to “come as we are to worship” to be still and to know that the Lord is with us, leading us then into continued Worship to God through prayer and listening to a message that will help us to understand our Christian faith better.
The service lasts for around an hour after which we serve refreshments (tea, coffee and biscuits etc) in the Brunswick room (next to the church) and enjoy a chat with neighbours and friends.
Holy Communion is taken once a month as advertised on our local preaching plan.
Messy Church
Meeting Thursdays, bimonthly 3:30pm – 5:15pm @ Methodist Chapel. “Centred around a bible story we have fun and do messy activities for everyone to do, followed by a short time of celebration and a tea to share. Messy Church is for the whole family and is part of the partnership between the two churches of Tansley.
We hold a weekly Sunday morning service, starting at 10:30am to which everyone is welcome, because we are “in service” to God to whom we owe everything good. We seek to serve him through our worship (what we do in our service) and also in our witness (the kind of life we live and the way in which it bears upon our Christian faith that we have in common with other Christians).
The service, to which all are invited, opens with Contemporary and Traditional songs of Praise and thanksgiving, it is a time to lead us into God’s presence, to “come as we are to worship” to be still and to know that the Lord is with us, leading us then into continued Worship to God through prayer and listening to a message that will help us to understand our Christian faith better.
The service lasts for around an hour after which we serve refreshments (tea, coffee and biscuits etc) in the Brunswick room (next to the church) and enjoy a chat with neighbours and friends.
Holy Communion is taken once a month as advertised on our local preaching plan.
Messy Church
Meeting Thursdays, bimonthly 3:30pm – 5:15pm @ Methodist Chapel. “Centred around a bible story we have fun and do messy activities for everyone to do, followed by a short time of celebration and a tea to share. Messy Church is for the whole family and is part of the partnership between the two churches of Tansley.
Psalm 150 V 1 & 6
Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens. Let everything that has breath praise the lord.
Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens. Let everything that has breath praise the lord.